Friday, March 16, 2007


These few days, i've been attending a theatre workshop back in the good old roof-top-theatre. Technically, i was asked to be there just to ground the whole event. But i tell you, this group is such a talented bunch, they didn't need me to ground anything for them. Infact, i am so inspired to be in their midst. Both Puay Tin and Mark Teh has been generating loads of fun stuff! What a joy just to be in it. Everything about it has helped me cope with the not so bright side of things lately. I love playing there... Whoppa!!


Anonymous said...

MARK TEH??HEY!!i tink dat guy used to b my tutor..a young guy rite?=)ask him if he remembers tutoring a class in The One Academy

Loon82 said...

Great Blog! I love bakutehh too:P take care